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Article: Stay Home Stay Safe!

Stay Home Stay Safe! - suta

Stay Home Stay Safe!

The last few weeks have been all about the word ‘Quarantine’ and the word doesn’t really sound like much fun, does it? But, staying at home has been pretty much the biggest luxury that most of us have been missing since adulthood hit us.Right now, for our own safety and for the safety of the community around us, we are being asked to practice social distancing and we think this could be the perfect opportunity to explore what this could mean for us in a good way. Agreed, these are testing times and there is fear, uncertainty and the economy looks bleak. But, hey! We could look for positivity in the situation and find joy in our own way. Being home is cool. And, the truth is that we could all use some extra home-time even in our regular life.

Here are a few things that could make staying-at-home fun and maybe
even make you stay at home more often even when it’s not because of a global pandemic:

Tune in to yourself:
This doesn’t mean you have to become a sage and meditate for hours (or you could do that too!). It just means that when you are at home and the pace of life is slower than usual, you can spend a little time to just sit with yourself and understand how you are doing. You can check-in with yourself and listen to your thoughts. It seems very simple but it’s actually surprising how we never listen to ourselves. Where are you in life? What’s making you happy? How have you been feeling lately? Mindfully give space to yourself and you will be happy you did.

Cook like a master-chef, Eat like a boss!
Eating is something more than just an activity in our country. We celebrate food. However, in the buzz of daily activity, we rush through our food and barely notice what a blessing it is to have food on our table. Now that you have time on your hands, maybe you could cook your favourite dishes and eat with gratitude. Eating home-cooked food made with healthy ingredients will boost your immunity as well as remind you what a great experience it is to eat food without being in a hurry to finish it. Oh! You could take a lot of pictures and boast on social media too!

Let the art flow:
All of us have that special something within us that makes our hearts sing. It is really the best thing in the world to find time to do that without worrying about anything else. Draw, paint, write, play your favourite games, philosophize, and do the things that you have forgotten. Take a cue from your childhood and go back to all those activities that you loved to do at home but don’t do anymore.

Find your rhythm:
When you have all the time in the day for yourself, it can be overwhelming for a bit. Whether you are working from home or plan to get something done from your to-do list, you can juggle between scheduled activities as well as more relaxed activities. There is definitely joy in just leaving chunks of time open for possibilities. You will be surprised how such open-ended blocks of time will steer you more and more to be a joyful person.

On the whole, we must warn you that staying at home can become so addictive that you will want to start doing this more and more! Maybe even after the Corona threat subsides, you can continue some of the habits that you inculcate during this period and bring in more happiness to your daily routine!

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